Since I began blogging regularly this summer my most popular post to date has been about 18th fly fringe! For the brocade gown-redo I knew I wanted to trim the fronts with fly fringe. I had intended to find some silk floss to make the flys but I decided to use what was easy to get locally which was silky DMC floss. I bought three colors to make my fringe; light sage green, a peachy ivory and baby pink. I spent a few days tying knots and cutting and fluffing little flys and today I sat down to attach the flys to a base trim. In this case I used a light green soutache braid and attached the cut flys every inch or so. I didn't have enough floss or flys to go all the way down the front of the gown. I may make more flys to attach later but for now I think it will look just fine.

After the time consuming process of making the fly fringe into usable trim I added some fly fringe tassels to the stomacher I made last week. I also added some store-bought ribbon flower buds. I have pinned the fly fringe soutache onto the pleated trim I made and then pinned the completed trim onto the gown to see how it will look.
I am very pleased with how everything is turning out after all the time consuming and fiddly trimming. I only have a few tasks left to finish this gown. I have cut out scalloped and pinked sleeve flounces and have made extra fly fringe for the sleeve trimmings. I have to finish the sleeves, sew on the trim and then make the petticoat and then this ensemble will be finished! I admit I really can't wait to try it on!
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