October 28, 2018

Video : Side Husselen no. 3 - Status Report

Time for a status report. Hopefully I will have updates, new plans, and progress on many of these side hustles of mine soon! Thank you all for staying tuned for so very long with me here on the blog, I know I have been neglecting this space a bit for and I need to come up with a whole new strategy. Luckily you can still have my ramblings, just now in video form ;)

1 comment:

  1. GIRL I'd love to be posting three times a week on my blog but right now I'm lucky to get one up! <3 Don't quit just because the numbers aren't there, selfishly I want you to keep going because I enjoy reading vintage blogs, and would be sad to see another one go.

    interestingly, I noticed that when I read and comment on blogs more, my own stats go up. So, something to think about perhaps? I don't know if you already do read and comment on a lot of vintage blogs but I've noticed that when I devote about 20 minutes a day to reading blogs I love and actively commenting, my stats nearly double. Which is encouraging!

    But the time management thing is hard.

    I, too, am in the "write for sheer joy but also what if it could help sustain our lives" boat. I went through a VERY long dry spell and still am getting back into that obsessive love I once had for writing, but it's coming. I look forward to one day (hopefully soon!) seeing your book for sale, buying it, and reading what you love to write!



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