May 14, 2017

Costume Review: Allied

WWII period clothing and Marion Cotillard is a combination I can get behind any day, so I was happy to see Allied was available to watch on my flight to France as I had somehow missed seeing it in theaters. The film is one of those "are they really who they say they are?" plots so I won't say much on that score, only that Cotillard is excellent as always and Brad Pitt does okay but is sometimes a bit too stoic even for a war wearied spy. The clothes though, are fantastic!

I especially loved the costumes from the first part of the film set in Casablanca, naturally. Cotillard wears some great dresses during the day, the ivory and blue with the straw hat being my favorite look, but the dotted and striped black and white dress is also very nice. The glossy pale teal gown from all the promos is indeed gorgeous, and the sleeve shape and seaming are divine. There is an orange dress with embellished shoulders in the second half of the film that I really liked as well but there seem to be no photos of it anywhere yet. 

I'd say if you love 1940's clothes, you will enjoy this film! How did you all like it? Anymore films set in 1940's Casablanca (other than Casablanca itself of course) or any other "exotic" locals I should know about? I just watched They Met in Bombay this week from 1941 and though the film was a bit split and not very cohesive, Rosalind Russel's costumes (Adrian of course darling) were wonderful!


  1. Well, it dates from the early 30s rather than the 40s, but if you like exotic mise-en-scene, you could try Shanghai Express, starring Marlene Dietrich. I watched it recently with my husband, and we both liked it. Dietrich has the most beautiful gowns for traveling--silk dresses, furs and feathers galore.

  2. I quite liked this film and the costumes were fantastic. A fave was the white number, as well as the purple dress she wore in her first scene. OH - and that linen outfit in the car scene *ahem* that was perfect.

    Great film overall - nice tight plot and interesting ending.

    1. I agree, and that linen outfit was indeed gorgeous!

  3. I haven't seen this yet!

    Another Morrocco film was 'Algiers' from 1938 with Hedy Lamarr. It was apparently a very influential film on women's fashion (turbans etc.), it's on my list but I haven't seen it yet. X

  4. I'm yet to watch this but really want to. I love Marion Cotillard, she's defintiely an actress that could easily be from the golden era of Hollywood. The trailers and prom shots I've seen always show her in absolutely stunning outfits for this film, so I'd watch it just for that. xx

    1. I love Marion Cotillard too, shes such a great actress and also just wears clothes really well. The costumes are great, I really want her straw hat from this film!

  5. I need that straw hat in the first picture- absolute perfection!

    1. Me too! I want a natural colored straw in a tilted 40's shape so badly!

  6. I loved the bronze dress too! Also very sad there are no images online.

    1. Hopefully some will surface someday after the film gets its home/digital release!

  7. This is on my to watch list as it sounds so interesting but those costumes are another reason to get watching!
