November 14, 2013

Time Travel : Brighton in the Winter

While studying in England I decided I just couldn't miss visiting Brighton! So I made like Lydia Bennet and took a train down to the classic seaside town. I made two mistakes however, I went alone (which wasn't much fun) and I went in February when it was rather cold! I mainly wanted to see the Brighton Royal Pavilion but as an avid vintage shopper I also wanted to browse the famous lanes for antiques as well. Though I didn't have the best time with no one to share the experience with or show me around, I actually liked the melancholy mood of a seaside resort in winter. Slightly abandoned, full of faded glory and weekend bachelorette party-goers in equal measure, it was a strange visit over all.

My favorite part of the visit was most certainly the Royal Pavillion. Built for the Prince Regent, future king George IV of Englnad, who for those who don't know loved all things over-the-top. Remodeled by John Nash in a fantastical Indian and Chinese style, the place is gorgeous and though they don't allow photos inside I found a few online to give you a taste of the magnificent interior!

The Pavilion certainly was the highlight of my little trip but I think were I to visit Brighton again I would take a few guided tours to get a better grasp on the city and its history! I certainly recommend visiting for the pavilion alone as it is a magnificent wonder of a place!

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