November 11, 2013

Rene Lalique Inspired Necklace

I came across this amazing Rene Lalique necklace while browsing tumblr and stopped in my tracks! Though my skills do not extend to goldsmithing and enameling (currently), I knew I could at least be inspired by the beaded chain. Though the necklace I made inspired by the one above is no where near as beautiful, I feel like it still captures a similar style and color scheme. I do apologize if this blog seems very jewelry focused for the time being, I have less time and making jewelry is usually less time consuming than sewing. I am still working on my Cleopatra 1920's dress and have some more exciting sewing projects coming up!

This is actually a set, the shorter necklace is separate from the long one. Long glass bugle beads look a bit like the enameled links used in the Lalique necklace and give a similar look, or at least I think so! Other inexpensive glass beads and gold colored chain complete the necklace.

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