June 12, 2016

Sunday Spotlight: The Edwardian Lady Adventurer

It seems like ages since I did any costuming, and summer isn't exactly my favorite season to be layering on corsets and petticoats, but...the time has come for some Edwardian adventure wear! I think I'll start with a simple skirt and an ivory shirtwaist, luckily I already have an Edwardian corset. Now I just have to draft some patterns and go fabric shopping :) Those of you costumers out there, what are you working on this summer? (See more images that are inspiring me for this costume on my costuming Pinterest board here)


  1. Is the second picture from that french film about the adventures of someone er other Blanc-Sec? If so, and you haven't watched it, it's highly entertaining and beautifully done. :-)

    Also, I love the adventurer aesthetic. I've been aiming towards it this summer too, although more of a first-Jurassic Park film kinda way. Button up shirts and neutrals. :-D

    -- tegan

    1. Adele Blanc Sec yes! It was available on Netflix for the longest time and I really enjoyed it! I think I've watched it 2 or 3 times now as I quite liked the main character and the elegant mummies at the end. The costumes were gorgeous too!

  2. I love this look. These women were so brave and amazing!

    1. Me too Nikki! Great style and great adventure in one :)

  3. I believe it is a Ralph Lauren ad from sometime before the 2000's that I saw floating around on Pinterest. Sorry I didn't link these photos back, but I found them all on pinterest and their sourcing is pretty dismal too! Try google image searching the image too :)

  4. Correction! I went sleuthing through the vortex of the web and it looks like this image is actually from an editorial in Victoria magazine shot by photographer Toshi Otsuki, though I can't find the date!

  5. I can totally see you in one of these ensembles, can't wait for you to share some images when you're done! x

    1. Thanks Porcelina! I'll be going fabric shopping later next week <3

  6. A billion yeses to this style. Yesteryear lady adventurers have long been a big source of inspiration - fashion and otherwise - for me as well. The idea of seeing the world in sturdy leathers, lux linens, and rugged tweeds appeals to me something fierce.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

    1. Agreed 100%, the more vintage/antique style adventure wear the better I always say ;)

  7. These are fabulous! I really like the big hats with swathes of veiling and those beautiful blouses. The last image really attracts me and I also like the one a couple above it with the fabric bar that goes over the tie. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  8. This! All of this! Hands down one of my FAVORITE styles!!! One I am constantly on the search for pieces that will work with this feel.

