December 4, 2016

Sunday Spotlight: The Big Sleep

I like Bogart, and I like Bacall, yet I'd never seen The Big Sleep, the second of the four films they made together. Luckily TCM on demand had the film available to stream last week and I caught it last night on the final day it was available to watch! (TCM on demand is awesome by the way, like Netflix for old Hollywood.)

Humphrey Bogart is Philip Marlowe, a private detective  hired by an elderly client to deal with some blackmailing plaguing his younger daughter. In fact both of the man's daughters are trouble, though the elder of the two,Vivian (Lauren Bacall) seems much smarter than her sister Carmen (Martha Vickers). Marlowe must then wade through the various ruffians surrounding both sisters to figure out the truth, all while avoiding being shot himself (always from the hip, as if anyone could aim from that level? Mythbusters covered this one and its pretty implausible). Who's blackmailing whom, and which thug killed the other can get pretty hard to follow along with, but isn't the moody lighting and wealth of witty comebacks worth the confusion? Certainly.

As much as I have always enjoyed the look of film Noir, I have yet to watch many of the actual films that defined the genre, so I was excited to finally watch such a classic noir film. Sure this film's particular plot got a bit convoluted, who's been killing who and all that, but it doesn't matter because Bogie and Bacall are so entertaining and chic. Just look at that lamé jacket above! I just love Lauren Bacall's hairstyle too, I wish I could replicate it, so soft but still perfectly defined and waved in front. She has several lovely costumes in this film and I particularly liked the hounds-tooth suit she wears to Marlowe's office. I took special notice of her wonderful handbag too, a black box shaped number with what looked like Lucite along the top. Even when dames behave badly, I don't much mind as long as they are well dressed ;)

Have you seen The Big Sleep? What are your thoughts on the classic? Also please leave me recommendations as to your favorite noir films as I'd love to watch some more!


  1. I've only seen The Maltese Falcon of the noir films, and it was more slapstick than I expected! I might like it better, now that I already know that.

    A few of my favorite old black and white movies:

    -- Possessed staring Joan Crawford and Clark Gable from 1931 (note: make sure it's the one from the 30s. There's a 40s movie with Joan Crawford and the same title and it's TERRIBLE)

    -- Kid Boots staring Clara Bow and Eddie Cantor from 1926. Perfectly done slapstick.

    And then I've watched a ton of crime and trial films like "M" and the "The Passion of Joan of Arc".

    Lauren Bacall was so glamorous. I'll have to watch The Big Sleep!


    1. I have yet to see The Maltese Falcon but it is definitely on my list! I'll have to see where I can find Possessed.

  2. I love The Big Sleep, I think it's my favourite of the Bogie/Bacall outings.

    My favourite films noir would be Double Indemnity, The Maltese Falcon (Bogart version), The Postman Always Rings Twice (Lana Turner version), The Blue Dahlia, Laura and The Killers. Every one a classic of the genre; you can't go wrong with any of them.

    1. I've seen Double Indemnity, but I've yet to see the rest on this list so I'll have to make note of each! :)

  3. The big sleep is probably one of my favourites! Also - Double indemnity, Gaslight, Gilda, Notorious- are all very good!

    1. It's lucky there are so many to watch, it's always so inspirational style-wise to watch old films!

  4. I've yet to see it, I missed the last day it was on watchtcm =< I've seen The Maltese Falcon and Double Indemnity. I need to see more, but I've found a list that LindsayLane made for Noirvember last year!

    Top 10 Must Watch for Noirvember

    1. TCM has films available at such short and odd intervals, but check back as they return again!

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    1. I'm going to have quite the list now indeed! I can't wait to watch them all! <3
