February 1, 2015

Lovely Links

-Shameless self promotion, I just renewed a bunch of listings in my own Etsy shop! Check it out if you love long beaded 1920's style necklaces as much as I do!

-Speaking of couture this week, why does it cost so very much? It's all in the details, check out this video of Chanel seamstresses at work.

-I recently watched this series called The Country House Revealed about six historic country houses in Great Britain and Ireland and really enjoyed it! I love historic homes and intrigue, and since I can't tour England's many country homes stuck here in the US, I will have to do so via YouTube!

-You guys know how I love beautiful nail art, well here is a link to one of my favorite ladies in the game. Check out her mad nail art skills (all hand painted!).

-I recently discovered two Esty shops that have peaked my desire for vintage style lucite jewelry. Both Summer Blue Jewelry and The Alamo Basement have me tempted to hit add to cart right away!

-Do you guys know about Laura from Lilacs and Lace? Some of the most prolific and well done sewing I have ever seen! I am not a top-notch seamstress myself, I tend to cut corners in my impatience, but Laura is dedicated and amazing! Go check out her beautiful retro creations ASAP!

I feel like I have been fighting off a cold this past weekend, so I am off now to brew some tea. I have been indulging in a bit of self care by putting my computer aside and falling into an old favorite book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I am a Harry Potter nerd through and through, and sometimes one just has to return to Hogwarts for a while, even if only for a few hours. I hope you all had a lovely weekend, happy February!


  1. Laura's blog is amazing!!! I've been following it for quite some time now and with each new post and project, I feel like hollering from the highest mountain peak, "Someone give this super talented lady a book sewing how-to book deal!".

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Her work is stunning, I could never work up the patience necessary to do such fine sewing!

  2. Have you ever watched Country House Rescue? I love that show, and dreaming of how I would make money from my amazing country house.... *sigh*

    Wow. Laura's blog is impressive! Such patience! Following it now :)

    1. I have not, I'll have to see if I can find it, is it a UK show?
