November 14, 2014

Recent Jewelry Projects

Just a few pieces of jewelry I made recently. I wanted something more fancy to wear with my new little black 20's dress for the Cartier event next week at the museum. I am so excited to go see the exhibition! My jewelry collection may not contain any Cartier yet, but perhaps one day....

The necklaces worn by Lady Mary on Downton Abbey (series 5) had inspired in me the need for a black beaded necklace like the one above. She has some wonderful simple black beaded necklaces this season, and wonderful costumes over all, so American viewers get excited for January! I was never one to have any patience, so I of course watched the new series as it aired in England!


  1. These are absolutely, timelessly, captivatingly beautiful. You are so talented, my dear friend!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you ever so much Jessica! You are too kind! <3
