January 11, 2014

From the Depths of the Closet, 1920's Shoes!


I had completely forgotten about the above pair of shoes for years! They were a quick sale purchase at Urban Outfitters ages ago back in high school. They never got much wear, mostly because I preferred higher heels back then funny enough! I had been looking everywhere online recently for an affordable pair of 1920's-ish shoes without any luck. One day I'd love to get a lovely pair from American Duchess but I just don't have the funds currently. I discovered these retro-inspired bargain heels in my closet about a week ago and decided they would be perfect if they were just gold instead of white! So I went to work with some regular craft acrylic paint in metallic gold.

It took two coats but I really love how they came out! Perfectly gold now they will match my new velvet 20's dress and some other 20's projects I have lined up for this year. They are no where near perfectly period but just modern enough that I can use them too keep from looking too costumey when I wear my 20's gear out on the town!

I have been working steadily on my Edwardian corset so expect pictures and write-up galore on that soon, I also put together some Victorian hair jewelry inspired pendants I can't wait to show you so that's what else is in the line-up this week!


  1. Ooohh, I love the gold paint! Much better than the original white, and it gives a nice, subtle 'pop'!

  2. Thank you! I agree, I just hope the paint stays but I can touch it up I suppose if any flakes off which is nice!
