October 24, 2013

Time Travel : The Harry potter Studio Tour London (part 1)

In honor of Halloween next week I thought I would flash back to last year when I got to visit a pretty magical place! The Harry Potter Studio Tour London in Watford England! I knew from the moment I confirmed my study abroad in London that I absolutely had to visit this place, the very sound-stages and sets where the films which played such a large role in my adolescence were filmed!

The experience was certainly all I hoped it would be and nothing can compare with walking into the actual great hall with all the thematic lighting making you feel right at Hogwarts! For a huge fan like myself it was just an amazing opportunity to see everything from my favorite universe up close and personal. I really wish I would have had more time and I will certainly go back the next time I make it to England. Until then I will have to browse through my photos from the day to relive all the magic again!

I took a million photos at the tour so this is just part 1 of three of this little Halloween inspired time travel!

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