October 8, 2013


I have shifted my limited sewing time to focus on my Halloween costume for this year! I have decided with my hair so short this year is the prefect time to do something twenties inspired but I decided to zero in on 1920's versions of other costumes. The twenties still saw its share of masquerade balls and vintage illustrations like the ones above illustrate what our vintage counterparts were wearing for Halloween!

I have decided to create a 1920's inspired Cleopatra costume, see inspiration images below.

I love the more mid-century versions of Cleopatra too, like the classic images of Liz Taylor, but I am more interested in the layered costumes of earlier films with Theda Bara. The dramatic and exotic twenties Egyptian revival look will be a perfect compliment to my currently bobbed hair. I have already started the under-dress for my costume in a woven shiny gold fabric I found at Joanns. I'll show you some sketches and the finished slip tomorrow!

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