September 3, 2013

Robe a l'Anglaise Re-do

The reworking of my very first 18th century costume (from 6 years ago!) into something a little more accurate is complete! I have always loved this dress, perhaps because it was my very first foray into the 18th century. The original dress was made mostly by my mom (with a little help from me if I remember correctly) but now that I have gone through fashion school and spent so much time studying historic dress on my own I knew I could improve on this costumes perceived accuracy and style.

I changed the entire bodice of this gown by re-cutting a  new one with a very small extra piece of fabric. I re-pleated and attached the same skirt (which is quite short sadly) and cut a new underskirt and sleeve flounces with complementary fabric. I made a ruffled stomacher and pleated trim finally embellishing the gown with handmade fly fringe trim. See the comparison of the new gown and the old below!

Sadly the gown is a bit too small! it looks loose in the bodice but that is only because its a bit too small to pin it properly in the front! I keep making things for myself too small (wishful thinking?) but hopefully this will fit after I lose a little weight. I still love how this gown re-do came out! I'm excited for my new stays to be finished so I can move onto my next 18th century garment but more on that later!

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