September 22, 2013

Curio Cabinet: Rhinestone Necklaces

Welcome to another installment of curio cabinet, the segment where I play show and tell with some of my collections. This week I'm showing you more of my vintage jewelry collection! These are my rhinestone necklaces. Again I am sad to say these necklaces don't get a lot of wear as I work in a warehouse not a ballroom so I don't get many occasions to dress up anymore! Hopefully I will get to go to the theater or ballet at least once this fall/winter so I have an excuse to wear some of my fancy stuff out!

This necklace was a Christmas gift from my parents that I had picked out on etsy. It is a little too short which means I had to add some chain links to the back to make it wearable. I just love the colors and need to find or make a suitable dress to wear this with! I just love shopping for vintage on etsy, there isn't the heartbreak of losing an auction like on ebay and you can customize your search to find just what you want in your price range so easily! I am an etsy addict!

Both of these very classicly styled white rhinestone necklaces I inherited from my great grandmother. I wear them layered together sometimes (like to my junior prom years ago!) I love the classic white faux diamond sparkle and think both of these look very 50's especially with a strapless dress.

These are two other necklaces I inherited from the same great grandmother. The purple one also came with matching earrings and the silver is very sparkly and iridescent. Both are sorta glam 60's and make me want to have a Mad Men party just to wear them!

I purchased these two necklaces myself. The red and gold necklace is one of my very favorites as it almost looks like garnets in some lights and is just stunning. I got it for under $20 bucks at my favorite antique store (now sadly closed!) in Old Town Littleton. The other necklace I thought looked a bit art deco and 40's and I bought it, again for less than $20 dollars, at the Paris Street Fair Market at Aspen Grove in Littleton. I think one of the greatest things about vintage can be its surprising affordability. Depending on where you are in the US dealers and shops will mark things according to demand but here in Colorado the demand is low enough that you can score great stuff for a really good deal most of the time!

Sorry for my sporadic postings, one day I will get used to my new schedule!

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