July 22, 2013

A Cosmic Journey and Dioramas

The Denver Museum of Nature and Science

This past weekend my friends and I got together to visit the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to see a show at the planetarium. I am always excited to visit this museum and I love planetariums so I was a very pleased when I heard we were all going to go!

As much as I love flying through space in the planetarium (and I really do) my favorite thing about this museum is their dioramas. The mounted wildlife dioramas are very well done and consist of two floors of interconnecting galleries. The museum's second floor displays North American and Australian wildlife and also sea mammals. On the third floor of the museum exhibits Colorado wildlife, birds, African animals and a small display of South American animals. I personally think the dioramas, painted backgrounds and taxidermy mountings are all very well done and result in a beautiful display. The low lighting and fact that the wildlife galleries are more than often empty (other visitors are often crowded in the dinosaur and space exhibits instead) make the experience even more reflective. As a fashion designer I always think about how amazing a fashion show held in these galleries would be. Perhaps one day I can hire out the museum to do just that, a girl can dream right?

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