June 2, 2013

Spring Cleaning in June

Now that I am home at my parents house for the summer it is time to get to work! Not that I wasn't working all semester to finish school, but I digress. Now that it is summer I need to work on new projects for my portfolio and have a creative space to work on Closet Historian.

The first thing I had to do was clean up the complete mess that was the craft/sewing room! As you can see in the photos above it was a total mess. I just spent a day throwing away useless scraps of fabric, old receipts, bits of old projects long forgotten and things I will never use. The space is now functional but I still need to organize individual sections. My ribbons and trims are all thrown together in boxes and need sorting. That project will be for another day! 

And after, much improved! I had to make room for an exciting new addition to the sewing room, a PGM dress form. I have had a less than awesome adjustable dress form from Joann's for the past five years or so and after going through four years of apparel design classes using professional forms "Donna" as my old form is named just isn't going to cut it anymore. I know PGM forms are sort of the entry level professional forms but it is going to feel so great being able to drape again. I ordered my form but it hasn't shipped yet, I cant wait for it to arrive and get started on some new projects!

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