February 6, 2020

Falling Behind

What is is about February that makes me just constantly exhausted? Am I supposed to be hibernating during winter or something?

These photos are from way back in November, but I only just flicked through them today. I do adore this suit, and it's the newest one in my collection. I was only able to purchase it thanks to a good friend spoting me a 20$ on the day, so thank you kind friend for helping me secure this baby! It's just so rare I come across something double breasted that fits me, and with a red pinstripe and square buttons? Come on, no way I was leaving this one behind!

I'll be heading back to the shop where I bought this suit again for sure, this time better prepared for the wonders therein <3


  1. What a find! You look very beautiful, as always.

  2. Absolutely outstanding. I thank your friend too. K

  3. That suit is amazing and you look stunning!

  4. Exquisitely elegant find. I adore how you styled this classic suit and always admire your eagle eye for attention to detail - right down to the dangle on the handbag's clasp matching the square/diamond shape of the suit buttons. Gorgeous!!!

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life
