August 28, 2014

More 18th Century Jacket Progress

This weekend I managed to work on my 18th century pattern a bit more, but now I have a dilemma! I finished my new basic 18th century pattern, traced it and then added the flared skirt and "swallowtails", the points at the center back. My basic pattern closes by being pinned in the center front and I almost want to keep that type of closure for my jacket! Now I can't decide if I want to modify my pattern to be like the original Willamsburg jacket, or keep it like I have the pattern now.

Here are my sketches, the first is the historic jacket and the second shows my current jacket pattern. I really can't decide! I'm not sure how I would trim the current pattern. Possibly just a pleated trim out of self fabric at the neckline and sleeve cuff...hmmm...I'm just not sure yet!

Woman's Jacket, printed, 1775-1785 
This is the extant Willamsburg jacket, it seems to have sadly lost its stomacher somewhere in time.

Cotton jacket, 1775-1799 
The second example here has a similar front to my current pattern, though mine is shorter. I also cant decide if I should just even out the center front and chop off the point. So many decisions to make on this pattern! I just have to commit and then I'll be ready to start the final jacket!


  1. Oooh, I see your dilemma for sure. My "blink" favourite is the CC jacket, as I'm partial to garments from any era that lace up in the front, but they really are all marvelous and will no doubt look show stoppingly lovely once complete.

    Best of luck with your decision and happy sewing!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks Jessica! It's funny because I think I have the exact opposite reaction to cross lacing on a historic costume! I always end up thinking it looks more "costumey" and less accurate, even if the cross lacing is obviously completely accurate for this style of garment! I am leaning towards changing my pattern to the lace up front though, I want this jacket to look more like the swallowtail so...lacing may be kinda manditory
