December 22, 2013

The Twenties Cleopatra Dress : Photos!

I wanted to get a few photos of the twenties Cleopatra dress being worn. It isn't the worlds best fit and as this costume has come out much more late teens than 20's I think it would have been better built over a corset to provide a real foundation. I found a few things out about making stuff for myself using my old adjustable dress form too, like that the dress form is short waisted compared to me! Overall I think this costume is really pretty but not very flattering. Lets just say it is not slimming in the slightest but I think it has a good period look for something that is mostly polyester and draped on a so-so dress form.  So here are a few photos so you guys can see what the dress looks like on me. As for these photos, I know they are not the best! It is quite freezing here so outside photo shoots are not a good idea for the time being. I did the best I could being stuck indoors with very inferior lighting. Here's hoping for a mild (aka warm) spring ahead! Now it is time for me to get back to the holidress I am still trying to finish!


  1. Love this! I think it looks spectacular on your figure--although a little 19teens, too

  2. Thank you! I agree it really turned out quite teens looking, which luckily I don't mind!
